Scope of Work


The City is requesting bids for the removal and hauling of lime from its Water Treatment Plant.   Lime residuals (sludge) have been used extensively in agriculture, land filling, road bed construction, as a cover for solid waste disposal, pH adjustment in septage treatment, in marl-pit operations, and emissions control for coal-fired generating plants.


In light of the fact that contractors remove this product, and generally either use it for their own use or sell it in various markets, the City is hopeful bidders will either pay the City for removing this product, or be willing to remove lime at no charge to the City.


This bid allows the bidder two (2) bid pricing options under two different scenarios: Item 1 and Item 2.  Options are to A either pay the City for the lime, B remove lime at no charge to the City, or C to charge the City for removal of the lime.


Item 1 – Remove and Haul Lime


Removal and hauling of an estimated annual total of 9,000 cubic yards of lime from three (3) sludge pits located at:


Water Treatment Plant

1808 NW 36th Avenue

Ocala, Florida 34470


Lime pits need to be emptied approximately every 2-3 months. 


Contractor is to provide all equipment and labor necessary to remove and haul all lime from the premises within three (3) weeks of notification from the City. 


The contractor agrees to take title of all the lime the contractor removes from WTP upon leaving the WTP property.



Item 2 – Haul LimeONLY


Hauling ONLY of an estimated annual total of 9,000 cubic yards of lime from three (3) sludge pits located at:


Water Treatment Plant

1808 NW 36th Avenue

Ocala, Florida 34470


Lime pits need to be emptied approximately every 2-3 months.


Contractor is to provide all equipment and labor necessary to haul all lime from the premises within three (3) weeks of notification.  The City will provide the equipment and labor to load the lime into the contractor’s trucks.


The contractor agrees to take title of all the lime the contractor removes from WTP upon leaving the WTP property.



Working Hours and Requirements for Item 1 and Item 2


Work will be completed during normal working hours. Normal working hours defined as Monday through Friday 7:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. No after hours or weekend work is permitted.


All work to be coordinated with Scott Hersey, Water Treatment Plant at 352-351-6682.


Work site will be completely cleaned after each day of work.


All workers must be identified by a company shirt or name badge with the company name, and worn at all times.  All vehicles must have the company logo visible on the outside of the vehicle.



Pricing and Award

Vendor may submit pricing for Line Item 1, Line Item 2, or both line items.  Vendor may propose an amount per cubic yard to pay the City (negative number), a break even or no charge ($0), or a cost to the City to pay Vendor (positive number). City will award the option that is in the best interest of the City.




The term of the resulting contract is one (1) year, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year terms. 


Work to commence on or about November 2015.